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Rotem Oreg


רותם אורג

Rotem Oreg:

How to Speak Liberal

Rotem Oreg, an expert on U.S. politics and foreign policy and founder of the LIBRAEL - Liberal Israel, is warning for years about the struggle for Israel's standing in the United States, and during wartime Israeli advocacy is more important than ever. The drift of U.S. liberals from Israel might jeopredize the American support for Israel as well as the Jewish communities in America.

To convince U.S. liberals we must know them, understand them and their set of values, especially knowing how to speak with them - this is exactly what Rotem Oreg does.

Rotem Oreg is an expert on politics and foreign policy of the United States, especially the U.S.-Israel relations. He provides lectures, workshops, and advisory to government ministries, private companies, NGOs, Israel advocacy organizations, Jewish communities and college campuses in Israel and the U.S. about the challenges to the U.S.-Israel "Special Relations" and on "How to Speak Liberal".

Up to date, hundreds of participants in the "How to Speak Liberal" workshop received knowledge, tools, and methods to tell Israel's story in the world, in a way that liberal audience, usually more critical to Israel and sometimes even hostile, can relate with.

John Fetterman Ritchie Torres Israel
Anchor 1


The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The IDF's Strategy Directorate
IDF Spokesperson Unit
Hillel International
Reservists on Duty
The Israeli-Democratic Alliance
משרד החוץ הסברה
pmo logo.jpg
Yesodot Prep. Military School
JF of Metrowest
Democrats for Israel - Los Angeles
Kol Ami
מכינת תבור
Israeli-American Council
Students Supporting Israel
Wienstin JCC.png

Daniel, Director of the Foreign Ministry Cadets Course

The lecture "How to Speak Liberal" is a Must-Have for anyone who will work with liberal audiences in the United States. Understanding the terminology, values, and the liberal narrative in 2024 is crucial... Rotem's lecture provides that unique language to the Israeli audience in a professional, comprehensive, and interactive manner.

The Word on the Hill


Israel is only investing in the Republican party, and it's a horrible mistake - the democrats are half of America, and a majority of young Americans and Jewish Americans.

Watch to see what we can do to stop Israel from becoming a partisan issue.

Why Speaking Liberal?

Truth and facts are on our side, so why should we even learn how to speak liberal?

We live in a world in which the truth is'nt enough and facts don't matter - watch to see how to tackle that.


David or Goliath?

We always take the underdog's side - so how can we convince that Israel is right?

In a world in which Strong is Wrong, Israeli public speakers must know the language and values of their audience. Watch!

The Carrot and the Stick

The U.S. helps Israel with billions of dollars of aid, but it does not hesitate to halt munitons and even sanction military units suspected of human rights violations - how that works together?


David or Goliath?

We always take the underdog's side - so how can we convince that Israel is right?

In a world in which Strong is Wrong, Israeli public speakers must know the language and values of their audience. Watch!

The Carrot and the Stick

The U.S. helps Israel with billions of dollars of aid, but it does not hesitate to halt munitons and even sanction military units suspected of human rights violations - how that works together?

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